Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Qualities of a Winner- Intelligence vs. Hard Work


What quality is more important for someone who is successful?  Is it intelligence or hard work & effort?  In the United States you can breeze by in terms of academics from K-8th grade.  A smart kid getting a public education assuming their living situation isn’t screwed up (i.e. broken home, homeless, etc.) should cruise through into high school.   The reason for this is the education system grades based on the national percentiles so a kid of above average intelligence will be able to crush the curve with little effort.  

In high school, smart kids can still get into a decent university purely based on their gifted IQs, just need to get a good SAT score and solid GPA.  The thing is if you want to get into a top 5 university then you will need to have a mix of intelligence and hard work.  You will now be competing against kids from around the nation for the few spots available in each school.  Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and MIT have plenty of kids applying with 4.0 GPAs and high SAT scores but they look for things that make you stand out.  So kids who don’t have a perfect academic record need to put in the effort to do extracurricular activities and other stuff outside of just doing well in class to get in.

College & the Work Force
After high school, a hard worker will more often than not be more successful than someone who is just smart.
Here’s the reasons why intelligence won’t always equal success later in life:

Sense of entitlement- Gifted kids who sail through the early years of school may develop a sense that they should just succeed because they are better than everyone.  School is so easy for them growing up that when they finally are faced with challenges they don’t know how to handle it.

Loss of interest- After succeeding for so long school and studying may seem pointless.  Initially doing better than everyone may be motivational but after a while if they don’t develop larger goals their interest in continuing to excel can fade.  This can cause them to develop the bad habit of being lazy and procrastinating.

Inability of overcome challenges- If kids aren’t faced with challenges growing up then when they finally do fail at something; it can cause them to lose confidence and motivation.  They may develop a fear of failure since it is such an unknown feeling to them and rather than try and fail they might just rather give up than admit they that might be lacking in some way. 

Why hard workers can excel:

Ability to bounce back quickly:  They can go with the flow and chalk setbacks as a learning experience.  They are constantly striving for some new goal and by taking action they will develop skills that will help them along the way.

Constantly working towards the bigger goal- Gifted people sometimes only look at the “big picture” or that final goal.  They want to be a millionaire, billionaire, doctor, and lawyer, whatever the big dream is.  When they stumble along the way it they get depressed and if they do achieve a goal they tend to just relax for a long time.  Hard workers just aim for smaller goals while working towards that big final goal.  Example:  Smart kid gets into a good college, he feels proud of himself, and decided he should just kick back and relax since he earned it.  Hard working kid is happy that he got into a good college, takes a little time to enjoy something he likes but then starts working on looking for scholarships.

Finding new opportunities- Like in the example above since the hard workers are always in action they will find hidden opportunities, finding a job that no one knew about, a scholarship, an investment, there are endless opportunities waiting to be found but the first step is taking action.

In college and the real world, people are rewarded for action.   If applying to a job straight out of college who do you think will get it, applicant A: kid with a lot of internships during college and decent GPA or B: smart kid with no work experience but he’s really smart.  Most jobs don’t have some standardize test you can take to ace and impress them so you need to show them things you have done with good results to impress them.

All that being said, if you’re someone who is intelligent and hardworking then the possibilities are truly limitless.  Bill gates, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg are all billionaire who are extremely intelligent but back it up with a ridiculous work ethic.  Intelligence may be a very valuable asset on the road to becoming successful but like Thomas Edison said-
“There is no substitute for hard work.”

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Personal Development Blog Carnival #3

Welcome to our third weekly blog carnival post! A Blog Carnival is a collection of articles and blog posts, all relating to a particular topic. There is so much stuff in the blog-o-sphere, just finding interesting stuff is hard. We want to make it easier to find all your personal development needs. We are going to take a break next week for the blog carnival to work on some improvements but continue to send in your submissions, the next blog carnival post will be on the 16th.

If you want you article or blog post on the next edition of the carnival. Click Here to submit yours now. Be sure to read the rules for the best chance of making sure your article is chosen!

Welcome to the April 2, 2011 edition our Personal Development Carnival.


James Crawley presents Nutrition Advice for Badminton Players posted at Supplement Deals.

Dr Swartz presents Real Tips For Losing Weight posted at Weight Loss Diet Forum, saying, "Setting yourself up for success when it comes to pursuing a higher level of health and fitness is paramount."

Mike presents The Most Important Factor For Achieving Your Fitness Goals posted at - College Fitness, Workout Plans & Fitness Products.

Patty Pittman presents Primal Fitness > Fighting? posted at Primal 30 Day Challenge, saying, "What is more primal to man's survival than the will to fight to survive. It is definitely what our ancestors had to do. Weather they were fighting off lions and bears, or each other in a war over women and territory, the strongest among them survived and procreated to make me and you."

How to Guide

Mike King presents 100 Ways to Ace an Interview and Interview Questions posted at Learn This, saying, "How to land your next job by acing your interview!"

Linda@NHE presents How To Cook And Grow Swiss Chard posted at Natural Health Ezine, saying, "Swiss Chard is so good for you! Find out how to grow it and use it in your everyday cooking."

Personal Development

HowToLiveHappily presents Limiting Beliefs - How They Work And What To Do About Them << How To Live Happily posted at How To Live Happily.

Diego Ortiz presents 9 Secrets For Stress-Free Living posted at

Lily presents if it makes you happy. posted at the Rebounder, saying, "Sharing my life and hoping people would share their lives with me as well simply to stop feeling so alone!"

Mark Anthony McCray presents “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” posted at Live BIG. Die Empty..

Subas C K presents Common Barriers to Personal Growth and Development posted at Total Pesonal Development - sharing views and resources, saying, "First article being submitted at blog carnival. Still finding answers to using Blog Carnival"

Lahesha Williams presents 5 Valuable Tips to Networking posted at Career Help For Christians, saying, "As difficult or awkward as it may feel at first, the ability to meet and make a positive, professional impression on people will become even more important as your career advances and develops. The five tips will assist you in learning the art of successful networking."

Personal Health

Tony Alexander presents The Soul of Japan: Kono Ha No Yu " Balneotherapy" posted at The Soul of Japan, saying, "My submission for the March 27th carnival."

Carson Ward presents Medical Assisting Degree and Career Basics posted at Medical Laboratory Technician Program Blog, saying, "Ever thought about breaking into the evolving and exciting world of healthcare? Earning a Medical Assisting degree could provide a great segue into a healthcare career."

Vidal presents Not Cooking for Fatness Any More posted at LibertyBuzz SC, saying, "Switching from high-fat traditional southern cooking to low-sodium, low-fat meals has been a rough transition. I found a couple of recipes that finally worked."

shaina ricketts presents Weight loss rules to live by posted at Sexy Rantings : A Diva's View of Health, Love, and Life Abroad, saying, "I blog about things I learned about personal health and exercise through my weight loss journey. I also talk about travelling and being a teacher in a foreign country"

Peter Stockwell presents Can I Lose Weight Without Exercise? posted at The Senior Walking Fitness Blog, saying, "It is possible to lose weight without exercise. It just takes a little longer."

Steve Faber presents Belly Fat Loser » How to Stop Sugar Addiction – The Dangers of Sugar posted at Belly Fat Loser, saying, "Addicted to sugar? You're not alone. The sugar devil is hard to get off your back. Here is how to help kick the sugar habit so you can get started on the road back."

Hussein Sumar presents How to Work with Sensitive or Easily Irritable Dry Skin posted at Clinique Bonus time, saying, "More than 50% of all women complain of their skin getting easily damaged or irritated, dry skin that is allergic and skin that has a lowered tolerance to cold, heat, pollution & temperature changes. As a general rule of thumb, if you have irritated or reactive skin, then you have sensitive skin. Sensitive skin of the face usually results in itchy feeling, redness, swelling or even development of acne (during hot weather)."

Nick Andrade presents Lose Weight Naturally And Safely posted at Weight Loss Systems Headquarters, saying, "Implement these simple weight loss systems tips and start losing weight today!"

Emilia Klapp presents 10 Practices that Can Cut Down Your Heart Disease Risks posted at The Diabetes Club, saying, "If you do not have heart disease at this time, congratulations! You probably have been doing the right thing, eating healthy and being physically active. Still, you may want to read the following suggestions just in case you find one or two tips you can add to your healthy routine to cut down even further your heart disease risks."

Jim Edwards presents Foot Odor Remedies: No More Stinky Feet posted at, saying, "Make feet comfortable while killing the odor"


Fred Tracy presents My Crazy First Lucid Dreaming Story posted at Personal Development, saying, "This article is about my first experience with lucid dreaming and how amazing flying was, among other things. It also contains information to help you learn to lucid dream yourself!"

Jessica presents But I don't have any skills! posted at It Starts With Me..

Charles Chua C K presents Adopting the Ways of Successful People posted at All About Living with Life.

Adam presents Overcoming Low Self-Esteem posted at ZenTactics - Child Abuse Recovery.

ErinEM presents day 6: make a care package for a soldier. posted at tomorrow is cancelled 365., saying, "Two teen girls trying to have an impact on the world in their own small way."

Patty Pittman presents Battered Women In Martial Arts posted at Kihon Wasa, saying, "Many women are told that in order to not be a victim of domestic violence, they should learn a martial art. I think they are correct, but not for the reason they think."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of The Personal Development Carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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Be sure to check back in two weeks for the next Personal Development Blog Carnival and if you want to submit your own article, Click Here before midnight (eastern time) on Saturday. We welcome any comments or suggestions on what you think about the carnival!